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Here you will find current information and news about TOPREGAL as a company, the employees, new products and much more.
How companies can quickly eliminate sources of danger with efficient cleaning machines.
Where the most common construction mistakes are and how to avoid them.
In support of ARTISTS FOR KIDS, TOPREGAL has donated a scrubber dryer to the non-profit project.
Wholesale companies with forwarding articles are subject to changes. These often require an adjustment of the warehouse situation.
In the afternoon of August 11, 2022, the festive opening event of our new warehouse and production facility in Pasewalk took place in sunshine and in an exuberant mood, attended by numerous guests.
Right in the middle instead of just being there. In the coming 2022/2023 season, TOPREGAL GmbH will be the official club partner of the first division team VfB Stuttgart.
In early July, extreme flooding in North Rhine-Westphalia and Rhineland-Palatinate claimed numerous lives and swept away entire houses within a few hours.